Meet The Governors
What is the role of the Governing Body?All nursery schools must have a Governing Body. The Headteacher is employed by the Governing Body and is accountable to them. It is the role of the governors to:
- Develop policies
- Decide how the budget will be spent
- Appoint staff
- Draw up action plans after school inspections
- Help set aims , objectives and targets for the school
- Monitor and evaluate progress
- Challenge and support the school to improve performance
- Ensure there is an effective complaints procedure in place
Please let us know if you are interested in becoming a Governor. More information about becoming a Governor is on the Haringey website here.
Meet our lovely Governors...
Name : | Term dates: | Committee membership/ Specific responsibilities |
Melian Mansfield (Chair) (Co-opted Governors) |
13/07/23 - 12/07/27 |
Resources / Premises Leadership and Management, SEND/Disabilities, Medicines and Equalities |
Kelli Simmons (Staff Governor) |
15/06/20 - 14/06/24 |
Curriculum |
Vacancy (Co-opted Governor) |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Amy Faux (Vice Chair) (Co-opted Governor) |
11/02/20 - 10/02/24 |
Resources (Chair) Quality of Education Link Gov and Wellbeing |
Vacancy (Co-opted Governor) |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Cllr Sheila Peacock (Local Authority Governor) |
29/03/22 - 28/03/26 |
Premises (Chair) |
Joanna Morrison (Parent Governor) |
15/10/20 - 14/10/24 |
Child Protection/Safeguarding Children in Care |
Cllr Kaushika Amin (Co-opted Governor) |
30/11/2021 - 29/11/2025 |
Anna Boatman (Co - opted Governor) |
17/07/2022 - 18/07/2026 |
Resources |
Audrey Adjei (Parent Governor) |
17/07/2022 - 18/07/2026 |
Resources Curriculum Community and Parental Engagement |
Ruth Doak (Staff Governor) |
Resources Premises Curriculum |
Yomi Ajilore (Co - opted Governor) |
17/10/2022 - 18/10/2026 |
Premises Health and Safety |
A Message from our Chair of Governors
Together we represent a broad spectrum of occupations and bring invaluable community experience and expertise to the leadership of Pembury House Nursery School & Children’s Centre.
The Governors of Pembury House Nursery School & Children’s Centre are rightly proud of the school and the high quality of education that it offers to the community. Each governor is assigned to a committee and makes visits as part of a monitoring and evaluation process. The School Development Plan is reviewed regularly and targets set to ensure that our priorities are clear.
As Chair of Governors I am very aware that, in order to achieve the highest standards for our pupils, we must always strive for excellence, and by working closely with the school, community and parents we aim to continue our success.
Melian Mansfield
Chair of Governors
Committee Membership
Resources (finance & staffing) Curriculum
- Ruth Doak > Ruth Doak
- Melian Mansfield > Kelli Simmons
- Amy Faux (Chair) > Audrey Adjei
- Kaushika Amin > Amy Faux (Chair)
- Joanna Morrison > Melian Mansfield
- Caiobhe Edmund
- Audrey Adjei
- Anna Boatman.
Premises / Health & Safety
- Ruth Doak
- Melian Mansfield
- Melissa Thomas
- Sheila Peacock (Chair)
- Joanna Morrison
- Yomi Ajilore